Managing the Food Supply Chain

Vertiefungen: AFS, B&E, EE
Modulkürzel: MSLS-V1-3
ECTS-Credits: 5
Semester: 1

The module covers basic concepts and success factors for efficient supply chains in the food industry, taking into consideration new technologies, emerging trends, shifting demographics and changing markets. On the basis of keynote speeches and workshops led by experts from the food industry and supported by excursions to food production and logistics companies, the topics of procurement, production, distribution, planning and returns are explored.

Logistics management, business relations and logistics networks are major themes, as well as business processes, business methods and long-term planning in the processing industry. The priorities are novel and sustainable packaging materials and processes.

In the food industry, packaging plays an important role within the supply chain. Packaging systems and functions are given in-depth attention according to their importance. The priorities are packaging materials, food and packaging interactions, packaging operations and new packaging technologies.

Environmental aspects and sustainability issues in supply chain management and packaging are addressed
throughout the module.


Dieses Modul wir auf Englisch durchgeführt.

Das Modul findet in Kooperation mit dem MSc LS (FBI) statt.


Christoph Lustenberger

Telefon: +41 58 934 56 16

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