Global Economic Geographies of Agriculture and Food Systems

Vertiefungen: AFS, B&E, EE
Modulkürzel: GEGAFS
ECTS-Credits: 6
Semester: 1

This seminar focuses on the globalizing of industrial agriculture and food systems and its key elements like agro-food commodity chains and supermarketization. A particular focus is placed on issues in these globalizing agro-food systems that are related to the commodification of land, labor and money. Emphasis is also placed on critically engaging with existing alternatives aiming to address some of these issues.

Throughout, the seminar mobilizes theoretical approaches that provide alternatives to the economic mainstream, in economic geography and beyond. By help of a two-day field trip in May, all these aspects are deepened and applied to participants’ everyday experiences.


On completion of this course, successful participants will

  • have developed an overview of contemporary academic literature and concepts pertaining to global food and agricultural systems.
  • be able to critically discuss specific phenomena of globalization, commodification, and industrialization of agriculture using concepts and approaches from heterodox economic geography.
  • have acquired and practiced crucial academic skills such as writing, moderating, and debating.

Dieses Modul wird auf Englisch durchgeführt.

Dieses Modul findet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Zürich statt, die Platzzahl ist beschränkt. Separater Bewerbungsprozess notwendig. 


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