
Vertiefungen: AFS, B&E, EE
Modulkürzel: 360
ECTS-Credits: 4
Semester: 1

In this module, students travel to become part of and dive deeper into a local food system based on a preneurial food business perspective. It is the overall aim of the module that the students develop a 360° understanding of a specific food system.

The students assess and reflect the status of diverse food businesses in this specific system according to its degree of regeneration and overall performance. Regeneration puts human wellbeing and planetary health at the centre of all decision-making and thus, goes beyond sustainability in terms of positive impact. Transformation towards regeneration implies a reconnecting paradigm shift based on nature’s principles. Besides applying methods and background research, the students engage in the local food system for a few consecutive days as a food business actor. They get in touch with relevant stakeholders, conduct interviews and draw an actual food system map comprising all local subsystems. On this basis, the students (individually and in groups) evaluate past and current food business practices of various entities in the system in terms of their progress towards regeneration. Finally, they also detect hidden potentials and co-create alternative solutions for the stakeholders and entire system to become more regenerative.

This module is very practice-oriented since the students will be part of the system and its respective food businesses for a few days and thus, have an intense learning experience through the personal contact with diverse stakeholders as well as with the inspiration and feedback they receive from their colleagues. In this module, students get the opportunity to bring in their own questions, interests, and topics regarding regenerative businesses, regenerative food system evaluation and its development.


Dieses Modul wir auf Englisch durchgeführt.

Das Modul findet in Kooperation mit dem MSc PREFS statt, die Platzzahl ist beschränkt.


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